Thursday, March 14, 2013

Dancing the Day Away

All I can say is: MY LEGS ARE SO SORE. But I love it XD I'm really not kidding, being this sore is part of the joy of exercise. Is that demented? Well, maybe :)

I ate half a bagel for breakfast (100), TWO freaking poptarts for lunch (400! Ack!!), and then a granola bar as a snack (90). I am currently eating a salad thing with tofu and lots of veggies......dunno how many calories it is, but it's super healthy :) Exercise wise I did modern dance for about an hour and then ballet for two hours and then went back to school and performed a dance with the rest of my modern dance class. It's been a pretty eventful day and I think I am just going to relax and watch the show Bunheads which is about ballet and dance and is overall a hilariously amazing television show.

Good night, and have a delicious evening everyone!! <3


  1. sounds like you're doing wonderful cali! :) i'm soooo jealous of your hobbies, i wish i had the ability and confidence to go to dance but i feel like i'm just too tall and heavy, i'd be stumbling around like an elephant hahaha :P
    am i right in thinking we're on the same day of sgd? i was planning to do that 10 day challenge i posted about when i finish sgd, and if i've counted right it finishes on march 26th so i was thinking of starting the 10dc on the 28th, just leaving a little time for transition. it'd be cool if you could join! :)♥

    1. Yes! I would love to do that with you because yeah, we are on the same day of SGD :) Trust me. I was a complete klutz when I first started, but I have come to really enjoy it.

  2. Oh, I love Bunheads. I have always been obsessed with Gilmore Girls and when I started watching Bunheads, I was like, "Same creator, looks like she's trying to make the same show again... probably gonna suck" but it doesn't, and I LOVE it. I too, love ballet. I danced my whole life (lots of different types, but my main focus was ballet) and I even danced in a ballet company for a few years in my late teens/early twenties. I stopped a couple of years ago when I decided what I wanted to do for a career and didn't have time to dance any longer and I miss it soooo much. I wish there was somewhere around where I live now that I could still take class.

    1. Hmmm..... I've heard of Gilmore Girls but I don't really know anything about it. I think I'll check it out since they have the same creator :) Wow! My dream is to dance with a ballet company, but I only started one year ago and I'm 16 so I'm not sure how possible it is....
